Dartmouth Events

Course Design Institute – March 2025

Participants engage in an integrated course design process to develop a new course or redesign an existing course.

9 am – 3 pm
DCAL (Baker Library 102)
Intended Audience(s): Faculty, Postdoc, Public, Students-Graduate
Registration required.

DCAL and LDI's Course Design Institute (CDI) provides a foundation in an integrated course design approach that is rooted in student-centered teaching and learning. With support from a cohort of peers and guidance from CDI facilitators, participants will apply CDI principles and frameworks to their own course designs.


CDI follows a flipped format, in which participants work through foundational materials independently before attending live sessions. Live sessions take place over two days and consist of interactive workshops, small group discussion with other faculty, and 1-on-1 feedback from facilitators. Learn more and apply by Feb. 25.



For more information, contact:
Elli Goudzwaard

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.