

DCAL offers consultation on a variety of topics. For an appointment, please contact us at or stop by Baker 102.

Course Design
DCAL can help you develop a course description and syllabus, sequence your content, design assignments and assessments, hone your teaching strategies, and address challenges that arise in your classes. DCAL is attuned to concerns about diversity, accessibility, and group dynamics as well as the teaching and learning needs of particular disciplines. All one-on-one consultations with DCAL staff remain strictly confidential and can address any areas of interest related to your teaching.

Career Advising
DCAL provides resources and advising for faculty, grad students, and postdocs in conducting a successful academic job search, developing an academic career, and exploring non-academic career opportunities. Advising for grad students and postdocs is coordinated in partnership with the Office of Career Services of the Guarini School for Graduate and Advanced Studies.

Program and Curricular Review
Consult with DCAL to support your program or department’s curricular review and revision process. DCAL can provide facilitation and guidance as you align courses, content, teaching strategies, activities, and assessments with your specific curricular learning goals.

Course Evaluations
End-of-term course evaluations can be a valuable source of student feedback about your course and your teaching, but that data can be challenging to interpret, and being evaluated can feel unsettling. DCAL can help you read and make sense of your course evaluations and put them to good use. 

Experiential Learning
Consult with DCAL about the design, coordination, delivery, and evaluation of experiential learning activities associated with your course or co-curricular offerings. Experiential learning activities may include, but are not limited to, research opportunities, outdoor programs, service for social impact, entrepreneurship, art and performance, clinical placements, internships, project-based learning, and global experiences.

Digital and Online Learning
DCAL provides consulting and assistance for schools, programs, departments, or centers that wish to investigate or initiate a low-residency or online course or program. Support includes brainstorming and ideation, market analysis, acquisition of institutional resources and external funding, program planning, technology and platform assistance, marketing and recruitment, legal and contract consultation, universal design and accessibility, assessment and evaluation, research and scholarship, and a community of practice. 

Grant Support
DCAL can provide guidance and support on the education, outreach, and evaluation components of research grants.