Dartmouth Events

DCAL's Future Faculty Teaching Series - Spring 24

Graduate students and postdocs will be discuss educational literature, basic elements of course design, instructional methods, and teach lessons. Registration required.

12 pm – 2 pm
DCAL, 102 Baker
Intended Audience(s): Faculty, Postdoc, Staff, Students-Graduate
Categories: Workshops & Training
Registration required.

Are you considering an academic career that will include teaching? In this workshop series, graduate students and postdocs will be introduced to educational literature, basic elements of course design, and different instructional methods. Participants will also have a chance to practice teaching and to evaluate teaching by others. Participants are expected to attend all sessions and do work on Canvas between sessions.

Registration is required, please register here.

For more information, contact:
Cindy Rosalbo

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.