Meeting Needs in Energy Transitions (45% total)
In a group of 3 people, I ask you to identify a plausible, "real-world" client or community partner's energy-system need, and creatively devise a solution to meet that need. Your proposed solution should draw upon interdisciplinary content from class and other credible sources. I will provide a list of potential topics and allow you the opportunity to pitch your own.
The group project includes planning and peer review (15%), a final synthesis deliverable (15%), and final presentation (15%). The project has a scaffolded, step-by-step structure. Due dates for each project element are shown in parentheses.
- Week 1 – Project Introduction, Need Finding & Ideation (3/30)
- Week 2 – Group Formation (4/4), Group Contract, Pitches & Topic Selection (4/6)
- Week 3 – Project Plan, Expected Deliverables & Iterate (4/13)
- Week 4 – Project Work Day: Peer Review & Iterate (4/20)
- Week 5 – Project Progress #1 & Deliverable Mini-Draft (4/25)
- Week 6 – Individual Energy Brief Report (5/4)
- Week 7 – Project Progress #2 & Deliverable Draft (5/11)
- Week 8 – Project Work Day: Final Presentation Prep (5/18)
- Week 9 – Group Presentations & Final Deliverable
Planning and Peer Review
15% total
Throughout the term I expect you to develop your project, engage in peer review of work in progress, and submit plans as well as progress reports. I will evaluate your planning and peer review work based on the degree to which you clearly, concisely, and comprehensively address the guiding questions below, as well as remain engaged during in-class activities.
Group Contract
3%; due 4/6
Develop a group agreement, providing guiding tenets for your group work. Your team should collaboratively develop and sign this contract.
- What's your team name?
- What values will guide your team's work?
- What role will each member of the group assume?
- How will you constructively resolve conflicts when they arise?
- How will you hold each other accountable?
- What are your individual strengths and weaknesses?
- How will you challenge yourselves to develop new skills and knowledge, while helping others in your group to do the same?
Project Plan
6%; due 4/13
Communicate your project plan in a concise, proposal-like format, as if you are presenting it to your community partner or client. Consider the use of graphics and a flow chart to concisely communicate your project plan alongside text.
- -What is your project topic?
- How does what you propose meet a specific, real-world energy need?
- What are the primary project elements?
- What are the specific steps necessary to complete each of the project elements?
- What are specific deadlines and work responsibilities associated with completing project work?
- How will each group member's role support specific project work?
- What do you propose for a final synthesis deliverable medium(s)?
Project Progress Report #1 & Project Progress Report #2
3% each; due 4/25 & 5/11
- Provide a clear synopsis of your project supported by credible sources.
- Describe concisely, yet specifically, each of the project elements and how they relate.
- How is the project going?
- Is the project proceeding according to plan? Why or why not?
- Are group members abiding by the group contract?
- What are some key strengths of your group work approach thus far?
- What are some key challenges confronted by the group thus far?
- How will your group overcome these challenges?
- How were any conflicts resolved? How can current or anticipated future conflicts be resolved?
Final Synthesis
I expect your group to produce one creative deliverable (a "design-thinking creation") to communicate to your chosen audience in a clear, concise, engaging way. This serves as a distilled, innovative, compelling synthesis of your project in which you will exercise and develop your design-thinking skills. The planning and peer review steps outlined above should aid you in developing this creative final synthesis.
Communication Mode Options: Poster, Concept Map, Podcast, Video, or a combination
The options above are a menu of communication modes to select from. They are listed in order of expected technical challenge. This class will not equip you with all the production skills necessary to produce a synthesis in a select communication medium(s). You should seek guidance from me and technical support from the Jones Media Center as necessary. If you choose to make a podcast or video, it must be 4-6 minutes in length.
- Deliverable Mini Draft (ungraded, due 4/25)
- Deliverable Draft (3%, due 5/11)
- Final Deliverable (12%, due 5/23 or 5/25)
Final Presentation
I expect your group to present their findings at the close of the term, in a clear, engaging, and informative ten-minute presentation. This is a culminating opportunity to share what you have learned with the class. I will provide more specific guidelines and evaluation criteria to you later in the term before you begin preparing the presentation.
For background on the benefits of group work and the group formation strategies we will employ, see this article from Dartmouth College libraries.