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December is for digging deeper into your teaching!
In the lull between fall term and winter break, join DCAL and LDI to dig deeper into your teaching through one of three distinct institute experiences:
Each institute offers:
Read on for more information about the December institutes!
Want help choosing among them? Contact us! Interested in more than one? Let us know and we'll offer some possibilities.
Wednesday Dec. 4 and Friday Dec. 6, 9am-3pm at DCAL, 102 Baker Library
Course Design Institute (CDI) is meant for Dartmouth instructors who want to apply an integrated course design process to design a new course or redesign an existing one. Using a student-centered lens, participants will develop and refine course learning outcomes, create an assessment plan, and consider activities and assignments that address their course goals. With support from a cohort of peers and guidance from CDI facilitators, participants will apply CDI principles and frameworks to their own course designs.
Learn more about CDI and apply by Nov. 13.
Questions? Please email dcal@dartmouth.edu.
Monday Dec. 9 through Wednesday Dec. 11, 10am-2:30pm on Zoom
During this institute, participants will engage with the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework to design and develop one or more course interventions to support learners' executive functioning in their courses. Interventions will focus on cultivating resourceful learners by strengthening their emotional capacity, building knowledge, and developing their strategies for success. Participants will collaborate with colleagues and receive individualized guidance from facilitators. Upon completion, participants are eligible to opt into the Accessible Dartmouth Initiative course grant. The institute is designed for instructors teaching courses and staff educators in co-curricular spaces at Dartmouth.
Learn more about UDLi and apply by Nov. 18.
Questions? Please contact Carly.m.lesoski@dartmouth.edu.
Tuesday Dec. 10 and Thursday Dec. 12, 9am-3pm in the LINK, Berry 180
Are you wondering about how to transform your teaching practices in the era of Generative AI? Are you curious about the capabilities of different AI tools? Are you looking for an opportunity to collaborate with other colleagues addressing similar challenges? This interactive workshop offers a tailored approach to integrating generative AI into your courses. Join us to explore and think through the implications of GenAI for your specific course, and adapt your course design or assignments accordingly with the support of facilitators and feedback from peers. The GenAI Teaching Institute is open to any instructor at Dartmouth (A&S, Tuck, Thayer, Geisel)
Interested? Reserve your spot in the GenAI institute by applying by Nov. 4.
Questions? Contact us at ldi@dartmouth.edu.