For the Professional Schools, Experience is Gold

At the Tuck School of Business and the Geisel School of Medicine, students are digging into experiential learning and reaping the rewards that come with reaching just beyond one's comfort zone. 

At Tuck, students participating in the OnSite Global Consulting program are applying the concepts and theories they've learned in class to consulting projects around the world. Since 1997, the program has taken more than 1200 students to over 60 countries to work on projects in sectors like manufacturing, education, social entrepreneurship, and everything in between. Read how experiential learning is changing business education in, "From the Classroom to the Real World" from the Tuck School.

For Geisel, hands-on learning is a mainstay for medical students, but undergraduates are now gaining skills and experience by conducting research in Geisel labs as well. “Geisel faculty take pride in working with learners at all stages,” said Geisel School of Medicine Dean Duane Compton. “And, as a result, when those learners go out into the world, they are much better prepared to pursue their dreams and tackle complex problems in any discipline.” Read how undergraduate research opportunities at Geisel are changing the trajectory of students' careers in, "Dartmouth Undergrads Learn by Doing in Geisel Labs."